Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Gary Null, My Red Herring

This is in response to this comment, left by Alan Huyshe.

It was not my intention to post my views on Mr Null as any kind of red herring.  It is also not my intention to make Gary Null my main focus.  He, specifically, IS irrelevant.  I do not want to aid in making Mr. Null more important than the subject at hand.  Mr. Null is doing that job very well for himself.

My intention was more along the lines of pointing out the destructiveness of unchecked personal egos, greed, and sociopaths.  When Mr. Null makes himself more important than the actual topic, is he not, in a way, making himself a red herring?  Robert Gallo, by thinking that his reputation and image was more important than saving lives, has set back AIDS research at least two decades.  Mr Null, by thinking himself too good to give Clark Baker's investigation any attention or recognition on his website or his radio show, has participated in keeping things status quo.  Mr. Null posts daily news stories on his homepage, why not Clark Baker's story?  I get the impression it's because of the subject, which Mr. Null has decided belongs to him.

Yes, we've all got egos.  But, how many people think that focus on themselves is more important than saving lives?  How many people are in positions to make a huge difference because of the audience that they have?  Yes, Mr. Null wrote very little and, like I said, it spoke volumes to me about who Mr Null is.  My interpretation has also been echoed from several sources.  Though saving lives is no doubt important to Mr. Null, his ego seems to be more important.

Mr. Baker, by revealing the individual criminal elements behind this topic of HIV and AIDS fraud, is opening up the box for people to see that perhaps the answer to the questions
"is it possible to tell who has 'hiv'? how can we tell whether or not it spreads? has anybody ever proven that there is a link between the retrovirus and the breakdown of immune function?"
have already been answered and those answers are being suppressed because they would cost the pharmaceutical and medial industries a lot of money. Otherwise they would not have to go through such criminal means to cover their collective asses.

I have already expressed my appreciation for Gary Null's work in getting the truth out about HIV and AIDS.  Or at least to get people to question "conventional wisdom".  That is not in question.  I'm sure Robert Gallo actually has done SOME good in his lifetime of work too, but that doesn't mean he is a decent person and not out to help anyone but himself.

Having an extremely high IQ, in my opinion, does not give anyone the right to be cruel, selfish and destructive to the rest of us.  If they have such grand intelligence they aught to be able to figure out how to deal with people and not dismiss them.  Does having a high IQ automatically mean one is without compassion or empathy?  Or do ignorant souls deserve to be cast aside as "useless feeders" by these paragons of intelligence?  Is it OK for millions to suffer and/or die because some ego freak doesn't want to share the spotlight with anybody?  Not in my book.

I thank you for your confidence, Mr. Huyshe, but I somehow doubt that "WE'RE ALL FOCUSSING" on what I have to say about Gary Null - Unless you know something that I don't.  I also wrote my follow-up to this open letter to point out that the problem is not specifically Gary Null, but people like him.  I don't care which side of an issue you're on, if you have an ego that needs more attention than the problem at hand then you are a hindrance to the solutions for that problem.

Mr. Huyshe, you said,
"I have spent a few decades now completely mystified as to why a genocidal holocaust on a scale far greater than Hitler's is not front page news every day. Is not even of much interest to most of my friends. Public inertia over this appalling crime is beyond my comprehension."
and my point is to bring to attention the fact that we are allowing greedy, sociopaths with over inflated egos to have high positions in places of power.  This is the reason we do not see these things on the front page of major newspapers, these fascist own the papers and they all protect each other.  I think that the CAUSE of a vast majority of our problems today is that we have allowed greedy people in power who have massive egos and no conscious and that this is not irrelevant.  Gary Null may not be a fascist sociopath, but he does appear to have what could be a destructively over-inflated ego with some selfish greed thrown in.

I guess I would not have reacted as I have, if I had not been so disappointed.  I'm disappointed that there seems to be very, very few genuinely altruistic people left in the world.  Mr. Null's response did anger me and perhaps I gave it too much attention.  But please don't overlook the underlying issue that I'm trying to point out in all of this.

We may temporarily fix some problems here and there, but until we root out the underlying cause of these problems - psychologically sick people in power - they will keep reoccurring.  It is my assertion that the major cause of all the major problems we face in the world today are due to greedy, selfish, egotistical, sociopaths making their way into power and gaining control over the lives of millions.

So, I'm not bickering with anyone.  I am stating my opinions and views as I see things.  And I think I will continue to do so as long as there is some sembalence of free speech left.  It has been because of my ego - how I will look to others - that has kept me quiet and I'm working to dispense with that and allow myself permission to speak up.  If people can get riled up and want to defend Gary Null's ego then certainly I can speak up and defend what I think is right and point out what I think is wrong.  I'll also keep using my brain and will be more than willing to admit when I'm wrong.

I understand why you might see this as a red herring issue, but I'm only saying that maybe it's not.

Everyone LOOK HERE:


Anonymous said...

I find myself unable to disagree with anything you say. For myself I can only own up to the fact that I'd spent some time on the web looking for SOMETHING to have come out of Mr Bakers remarkable 'Gallo's Egg', some sort of trumpeting fanfare heralding A CHANGE, and all I could find on many sites were comments about Gary Null and his few lines of (private?) correspondence. I then 'took it out' on you, for which I apologise.

You say the questions I outline HAVE already been answered, and that may be so. What I do know is that, although an engineer by training and trade, I simply do not have sufficient scientific knowledge to know, for sure, myself. I thus consider myself to be someone open minded who DOESN'T KNOW (yet). But if asked where to put my money (or my safety for health, my own life) for sure I'd bet on the disidents view. But that doesn't mean I KNOW.

The main point, for sure, behind this and probably almost all mankind's problems is that, as you say, "we are allowing greedy, sociopaths with over inflated egos to have high positions in places of power."

Wasn't it Einstein who said something about the world being a dangerous place not because of the evil men in it, but because of how little we do about them/what we allow them to do? And Emerson's 'All that is required for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing'. Which brings the responsibility back to you and I.

We also, of course, support the 'greedy, sociopaths with over inflated egos' with the ridiculous situation whereby all corporations 'have a responsibility to their shareholders'. My own belief is that most individuals don't actually know what companies their shares are in, as most are invested in general funds anyway, and those few who do know have no incentive (other than their conscience)to find out just what is being done to humanity (and humanity's environment) in order to give them a profit.

(I once heard it put that a 'criminal is someone with a predatory disposition and insufficient funds to form a corporation).

If one is beholden to the shareholders of GlaxoSmithKleine then telling the truth about what you're doing to humanity for the shareholders profit just ain't gonna happen as pretty much all of their money would disappear overnight.

Me, I'm with Robert Bly. Greedy Old Men, so emotionally bereft that the only highs they can get are out of power and greed. But this isn't a forum on the Gender War, and the ways that women's complete misunderstanding of men (and men's misunderstanding of themselves) has brought us to the situation where it is very likely that in the next hundred years or so humanity's population will get to well UNDER a billion. (to all the greenies....the planet doesn't need saving, the planet's ok. It's the human race that's at risk).

I don't know, but if there is any truth to the idea that mankind's contribution to the CO2 quotient on the planet is a major causative factor in our warming environment then one things for sure, WE DO NOT HAVE THE MECHANISMS IN PLACE TO HANDLE IT. Just like we have allowed corporations to flood our environment with so many toxins that (in my country) one in three women now get cancer, and ONE IN TWO men. Worldwide, our political and corporate structures just will not allow sanity to prevail. The systems we have put in place call out the very worst in our leaders.

Back on the hiv Scam/Genocide for profit front, I wrote about how I have "spent a few decades now completely mystified as to why a genocidal holocaust on a scale far greater than Hitler's is not front page news every day. Is not even of much interest to most of my friends. Public inertia over this appalling crime is beyond my comprehension."

Well, that's not quite true. I can comprehend how something so unlikely, so evil, so terrible is hard to take in. And why most people faced with the (unbelievable?) truth will simply turn off and dumb out.

But I have HOPE, and sometimes I have TRUST. Even that great river the Nile begins just one drip at a time. I have reason to thank Gary Null. His dvd HAS reached through the disbelief and apathy of some of my friends. And Mr Baker's Gallo's Egg is doing the same to a different group of people, who can be reached in a different way.

So who knows? In what is left of my lifetime I may see Big Pharma brought to it's knees for the ravages it has wrought on those we love. I may see political systems put in place that call out to our leaders WISDOM and COMPASSION. And I may see shareholders held responsible for the outcome of their greed.

The Christians tried hard a year or two ago with their 'Make Poverty History' campaign, but they lost a wonderful opportunity. If only they'd run with MAKE GREED HISTORY a few things might have changed.

So I go back to my hope, I go back to my trust, and I watch the steady drip drip of truth with fascination. Will we get to an age of reason? Yes. Will we get there without losing a large part of our population? I hope so.

Alan Huyshe, Near Bath, UK

David G. Collins, B.Msc. said...

Hi Alan - Thank you so much for your input and perspective on these subjects. Please feel free to comments at any time... It it sometimes very difficult, but I too have hope that won't seem to go away.

I also had some thoughts in my head that, even if it seems like a red herring, the ego of Gary Null would help bring more attention to Gallo's Egg...